Right: Salespeople who have actually heard of the product they are selling



Americans have something of a tradition about the place they choose to work. Regardless of their particular position in the company, they generally choose to work in places where they like the end product. Financiers in the software industry are gadget-junkies; delivery drivers in the pet food business have a house full of dogs. Hey, why work towards the creation of something you don’t care about?

In Britain, being excited about anything to do with work is gay. If you are interested in not looking gay, you should actively avoid any job which runs a risk of interesting you. If you’re bulemic and allergic to nuts, why not get a job in the food industry? You hate men? Get a job in a strip bar! If Stevie Wonder was British, he’d be a parachute stuntman.

Personally I rather enjoy being permanently curmudgeonly about work. However, this approach does leave the United Kingdom with a service industry which is almost entirely useless. Let me leave you with a typical conversation between a member of the public and an in-store customer service representative.

Salesman: Can I help you, sir?
Customer: Well, yes, actually, you can. About this hifi system –
Salesman: Ah yes, the C9000. Beautiful system, sir. Sound quality is truly astounding. Blows your mind, the sound quality on this –
Customer: I was wondering if it has a radio. I’m guessing it does, but I can’t see any buttons for it.
Salesman: Oh yes, sir. State of the art, the C9000.
Customer: So it has a radio?
Salesman: We can also do you a two year warranty on this one – if anything goes wrong, you can just bring it back here, no questions asked, and – well, you know the rest. Not that anything goes wrong with these things. I don’t think we’ve had a single one back this year.
[Salesman gives the stereo system an affectionate but firm pat on the top]
Customer: So it definitely has a radio?
Salesman: It’s got everything, this puppy. Sound quality is astounding.
Customer: Can you turn on the radio for me?
Salesman: Blows your mi – hmm. The radio?
Customer: Yes, can you turn on the radio? So I can hear the sound quality?
Salesman: Well yes, of course. Let me find the remote.
Customer: I don’t think it has a remote, actually.
Salesman: Of course, yes, I’m thinking of the C8000.
Customer: Actually, I don’t believe that one –
Salesman: All of the functions are available from behind this beautiful stainless steel sliding panel. See how smoothly that slides back? That’s quality right there.
[pause. Salesman gazes with reverence at stereo system]
Customer: The radio.
Salesman: Yes, amazing radio. Astounding sound quality.
Customer: The radio switches on from this panel?
Salesman: Look, I’ll let you in on something. It’s getting near the end of the month and my boss is really putting pressure on us to get the numbers up, so I think we can come to some sort of deal.
Customer: I’m unlikely to be interested unless it has a radio.
Salesman: Well sir, here we pride ourselves on our sixteen-day money-back risk-free guarantee. Do you know what that means, sir? It means that you can take it home, use it for two weeks, and if it turns out it doesn’t have a radio, you can put it back in its original packaging and bring it back here with no questions asked. Is that a deal, or is that a deal?

4 thoughts on “Right: Salespeople who have actually heard of the product they are selling”

  1. Haha, love it! What the world can learn from America, ok heres some:

    Advisor: …about your meeting today with this anti-communist…
    President: I’ve decided I dont want to be seen talking to communists
    Advisor: But he’s an anti-communist
    President: i don’t care what kind of communist he is, I dont want to see him

    This guy was so clearly the most intelligent guy in the US he was voted in as president… thats what we can learn about America, in a nation as retarded as that a retard can still be president.

    In a US paper: “If Stephen Hawking was British, the NHS would have killed him”.
    A: Stephen Hawking is Bristish (Americans aren’t clever remember)
    B: He has stated several times he owes his life to the NHS

    Break your arm in the UK and you might wait 4 hours to be seen, yeah thats crap but its free! But if you need a heart transplant you can be seen by the best doctors in the world for free, immediately, and these are the same doctors that charge upto £50m per operation in some private ops while travelling the world… oh thats about $90m of your green crap.

    Ah America, the land of the retarded.

    PS: Being excited about anything to do with work is not gay, just working in Dixons… because we all know it’s sh*t! Please send us a Walmart! ;O)

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